CAS Programmes

Providing a targeted technical education in digital technology to advance the careers of industry managers

The core value proposition of these CAS is the unique combination of rigorous technical training that has been designed for managers with backgrounds outside of the CAS’s technical focus area. They are appropriate both for people with non-technical backgrounds and for people with technical backgrounds in one domain seeking to understand better other domains. 

In 4 to 5 months, managers can learn the science and technology fundamentals in a specific area of computer science so they can better understand the technology’s capabilities and potential for their industry. A more detailed description of each CAS is available by clicking on the name of the desired CAS above.

Each CAS can be followed individually or as a part of the MAS programme. All three CAS are required elements of the MAS. 

Upgrading to the MAS AID

Successful graduates of one of our CAS who wish to upgrade to the MAS in AI and Digital Technology must apply using the same process as any other MAS applicant; there is no automatic right of admission to the MAS after completing individual CAS programmes. If a person is accepted into the MAS, then the tuition fees paid and ECTS credits earned previously during the CAS programmes will be credited towards the MAS.

Note: If accepted into the MAS AID, alumni of the CAS in Applied Information Technology (CAS AIT, from the years 2019 – 2023 only) will be credited for the CAS AIT tuition and ECTS in place of the CAS in Data and Machine Learning.

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